Free book: Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold 3

Free book: Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold 3

 Mohsen Mohammadvali has written a free digital book in English about Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold to share with Rhino users.Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold is an educational book that provides CAD designers with the tools and techniques they...
Free book: Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold 3

Free book: Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold 3

Mohsen Mohammadvali has written a free digital book in English about Advanced Surface Modeling in MatrixGold to share with Rhino Users.Advanced Surface Modelling in MatrixGold is an educational book that provides CAD designers with the tools and techniques they...

xNURBS Rhino Plugin V6.1 Released

xNURBS announces the availability of Version 6.1 and V4/V5/V6 customers can get a free upgrade to V6.1. V6.1 includes a number of enhancements, e.g., improving surfacing quality and reducing the number of control points needed to satisfy the required precision
Building the Liberty ACE Sportscar 2022

Building the Liberty ACE Sportscar 2022

Pete Larsen had a vision of building a modern-day interpretation of the 1940 and 50’s streamlined mid-engine sportscar. The result is a fun exciting vehicle with a unique driving experience. Find out what it took to complete the project…