by Sandy McNeel | Sep 7, 2023 | EN news
Mark your calendars for the ROB|ARCH conference in May 2024 in Toronto, Canada!The conference has been held biannually since 2012, each hosted by a different team and institution. Each gathering brings together international teams of researchers and practitioners to...
by Carlos Perez | Jun 1, 2023 | EN news
CAAD Futures is a biennial international conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design. The 20th CAAD Futures conference will be hosted at TU Delft, The Netherlands on July 5-7, 2023.With reference to the theme of “INTERCONNECTIONS: Co-computing beyond...
by Carlos Perez | May 23, 2023 | EN news
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is glad to announce a new online edition of the Global Summer School (GSS) program! This July 2023, from the 3rd to the 28th, the GSS will inaugurate the 15th edition of
by Verena Vogler | Oct 13, 2022 | EN news
Discrete Element Modeling to Robotic Fabrication using the COMPAS framework online workshop Tutors: Tom Van Mele, Gonzalo Casas (ETH Zurich)November 7-9, 202210 AM–5 PM CETHosted by McNeel Europe (Zoom)Digital Fabrication in the Architecture, Engineering and...
by Carlos Perez | Sep 14, 2022 | EN news
SYMPOSIUM – ROBOTS THAT BUILD. THE EXTENSIONS OF MAN.Vertigo Building, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, NLOctober 20-21, 2022We are excited to announce the upcoming two-day symposium Robots that Build. The Extensions of Man.The symposium, organized by...
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