by Carlos Perez | Sep 29, 2021 | EN news
“Grasshopper was created in a perspective to extend in those area where Rhino could not! It is a versatile plugin that takes design complexities to a new-found level by exceeding the limit beyond Rhino. Although, Rhino is a strong software
by Carla Sologuren | Sep 28, 2021 | EN news
Master of Science in Computational and Advanced Design (MSc CAD)University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Online)September 2022 – June 2023Everything humanity has designed so far, is limited and based on the way our bodies are designed and...
by Carlos Perez | Sep 28, 2021 | EN news
Webinar: Kuwait International Airport The overall finite element model and the importance of Open BIMOctober 21, 2021Take part in Sofistik’s upcoming webinar in collaboration with Werner Sobek AG. Matteo Brunetti of Werner Sobek AG will present one of their...
by Cécile Lamborot | Sep 27, 2021 | EN news
xNURBS announces the availability of API Package. Users can run xNURBS inside the code they develop or run xNURBS without showing the xNURBS UI. The API package includes the C/C++ APIs and the .NET APIs (i.e., RhinoCommon, Rhino.Python, Rhinoscript and
by Carlos Perez | Sep 23, 2021 | EN news
Rhino and Lands Design together provide a complete package for landscape design, modeling and documentation. Asuni has organized a course of Rhino and Lands Design for the last quarter of 2021. The course is ideal for those landscape architects and...
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