by Carlos Perez | Apr 12, 2023 | EN news
Applications close on Tuesday 18th April!The Rhino New Developments Day (London, 25th April 2023) is geared towards people and organizations interested in extending Rhino’s functionality either through Grasshopper or through new development frameworks such as...
by Carlos Perez | Mar 22, 2023 | EN news
Shape to Fabrication 2023 WorkshopsLondon, April 22-24Taking place in the days preceding the main conference, our curated selection of workshops feature the latest technologies delivered by industry leaders in a forum where attendees can make new connections, gain...
by Carlos Perez | Mar 6, 2023 | EN news
The Rhino New Developments Day (London, 25th April 2023) is geared towards people and organisations interested in extending Rhino’s functionality either through Grasshopper or through new development frameworks such as rhino3dm, Rhino Compute or Rhino.Inside and...
by Carlos Perez | Feb 22, 2023 | EN news
Shape To Fabrication London (organized by SimplyRhino UK with full McNeel support) is back!And this will be the best edition ever, with AEC & Computational Design workshops, and a Developer Day, during the same week as the conference!April 22-24: Shape to
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